One of the main goals of the Mu.SA project is to address the increasing disconnection between formal education and training and the world of work in the museum sector. In order to achieve this goal, the MU.SA project was conceived in different phases. The findings will be used in order to develop training programmes in various different formats such as the MOOC (Massive Open Online Course), European specialization courses with face-to-face classes, as well as e-learning and workplace learning, in line with the specific needs of the museum sector.

The consortium investigated which digital and transferable competences are fundamental in order to support museum professionals and help them in their efforts to make museums thrive in a digital environment by capitalizing on and revising the results of the eCult Skills project.

Partnership carried out a field research (interviews and focus groups) with the involvement of 81 experts in Europe, ranging from museum directors to policy makers, researchers, freelancers, etc. along with a desk research on the training provisions in the field for the 3 countries.

The desk & field research resulted in 4 emerging role – profiles: Digital Strategy Manager, Digital Collections Curator, Digital Interactive Experience Developer and Online Community Manager, which were updated and revised according to the current needs of museum professionals.

Based on the research analysis, the Mu.SA consortium designed, developed and ran a blended training course in 2 phases: a MOOC (only online) common for all 4 role profiles and  consequently, 4 courses (online, face to face and work-based learning) specialised in one of the role profiles.

The project Mu.SA results are now available online:

Identification of emerging roles of museum professionals

Design and development of training methodologies and contents

  • R3.1 Modular VET Curricula
  • R3.2 Methodology for realizing VET curricula

Handbook of the 4 role profiles

  • R3.3 – Digital Strategy Manager Handbook
  • R3.3 – Digital Collections Curator_Handbook
  • R3.3 – Digital Interactive Experience Developer_Handbook
  • R3.3 – Online Community Manager_Handbook

Piloting the MOOC

Piloting the Specialisation course


Dissemination & Exploitation in Mu.SA




  • 2nd International Conference “DC-Me 2: Digital Challenges for Museum Experts”, Athens – Greece (link)
  • Re-designing museums. Digital skills for change and innovation, Rome – Italy (link)
  • +Digital Future: Competences for the Cultural Sector, Porto – Portugal (link)