Mu.SA initiated a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on Essential Skills for Museum Professionals in which over 5.000 related professionals enrolled from around the globe and which was successfully completed in March 2019. All learners who successfully finished the MOOC, have the opportunity to enter the second phase of the training: a Specialization Course, with blended and work – based learning.
- Who? All successful learners of the MOOC are able to apply to the next phase in Specialization course.
- What? The Specialization Course will consist of a Blended Course and Work Based Learning. Analytically, the Blended Course consists of 24 weeks/or 360hrs in total. It includes Face to Face learning of 6days/or 24hrs, on-line and self-study of 288hrs and assessment of 48hrs. Additionally, the Work Based Learning will last 10 weeks/or 205hrs in total, with 200hrs of practical learning in real job environment and 5hrs of assessment. The Work Based Learning will take place almost simultaneously with the Blended Course, in mid-October 2019.
Museums and Cultural organizations that are willing to host Mu.SA learner(s) will have the opportunity to provide them with a prosperous environment to apply their new skills.
- When? The Specialization course will start in 16 September 2019 and end on 13 March 2020.
- How? In your email sent by Mu.SA team, you will find information on the steps you should follow in order to fill in the Expression of Interest Form, accompanied by your Europass CV and the Letter of Intent. These 3 files should be uploaded through the MOOC platform in English.
- Deadline of Applications? The applications are open until 31/05/2019.
- Criteria? The criteria are set in the Expression of Interest. Out of the 1.400 people succeeded in the MOOC, only 120 candidates will be selected to continue in the Mu.SA project countries (Greece, Portugal and Italy).
- What if applicant is out of project countries or Europe? The selection would be preferably among applicants situated in one of the project countries – Greece, Portugal or Italy. It would help facilitating the process of admission in the Course, if the applicant is situated in Portugal – for example – during the specialization course, if s/he selected. No scholarships are foreseen for applicants.