Title: Essential digital skills for museum professionals
Duration: 8 weeks
Starts: 07 January 2019
Registration: until 23 December 2018

About this course

The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) aims, especially, to support museum professionals in improving their digital competences, so as to become more productive in the new digital era, efficient in collaborating with other professionals and organizations inside and outside of their sector, and successful in managing emerging challenges. The course is delivered in 8 weeks and is organized in modules that will allow you to develop a complete set of digital and transferable competences. It is a flexible, self – paced course that requires your engagement for at most 10 hours per week. Online tutors will monitor, assist and facilitate the learners’ training procedure. Once you enroll, you will have guided access to all videos, quizzes, and programming assignments (when applicable). You will have the opportunity to actively participate by sharing your ideas and questions in the discussion forum. Upon completion you will be given the opportunity to earn a certificate.

Who is this course for?

The MOOC is especially designed for the museum community, including professionals and all aspiring to be professionals, like students, volunteers or unemployed, who want to pursue their future career in the museum sector. Nevertheless, everyone who has an interest for the cultural sector is most welcome.

What will you achieve?

By the completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • ✓   Develop and use the necessary digital and transferable competences,to act as knowledgeable professional in the museum sector;
  • ✓   Manage data, information and digital content;
  • ✓   Collaborate through digital technologies;
  • ✓   Develop a digital strategy and management plan for a museum;
  • ✓   Be competent in ICT tools and means for applying in the museum objects;
  • ✓   Upskill the ICT background required for the sector;
  • ✓   Use web 2.0 tools in the museum;
  • ✓   Be efficient in time management, communication, team working, leadership and creative thinking;
  • ✓   Identify needs and technological responses;
  • ✓   Develop digital content;
  • ✓   Be aware of emerging job role profile descriptions;
  • ✓   Empower the development of 21st century skills;
  • ✓   Actively participate in an online learning community;
  • ✓   Be competent as a museum professional with strong ICT skills at European level.

Structure of the course

  • You need 8 weeks to complete the course.
  • You should reserve around 10 hours for the course every week.
  • Each week provides training on 2 – 3 specific competences.
  • Digital training material will be available online.
  • You will be able to join a community of peers by participating in open discussions and active exchange in the forum.

Language: English text and videos with subtitles in Greek, Italian and Portuguese.


During this cycle, 1000 seats are offered. Enrollment to the MOOC is open to all! If the number of available seats is exceeded, priority will be given to trainees who enroll from Greece, Italy, Portugal and Belgium, and are museum professionals

How to register

The platform is accessible to anyone following a simple registration procedure. Register here!


Once you successfully complete the first training stage, you become eligible to participate in a six-month specialization training program, including an internship to a museum, so as to further develop your competences and become able to act as a digital strategy manager, a digital collections curator, a digital interactive experience developer, or an online community manager! Successful completion of the MOOC is a prerequisite to participate to the specialization course.

Certificate of attendance

A certificate of attendance will be given to those who complete the MOOC and succeed in at least 80% of graded activities.

Cost: Free of charge.