Idee per una (ri) trasformazione digitale dei musei è l’incontro sulle competenze digitali per il cambiamento e l’innovazione che si svolgerà lunedì 16 settembre 2019 dalle ore 9:30 alle ore 13 a Roma, presso la Link Campus University, via del Casale di San Pio V, 44.
Non perdetevi questi relatori se volete fare il punto sulla trasformazione digitale nei musei!
Intervengono Talitha Vassalli di Dachenhausen, Dirigente Servizio II Gestione e valorizzaz
Nell’ambito del progetto Mu.SA – Museum Sector Alliance, co-finanziato dal Programma Erasmus+, Melting Pro e Symbola hanno condotto un’indagine di scenario con l’obiettivo di mappare i bisogni formativi dei professionisti museali in Italia. Si è scelto di operare attraverso un approccio campionario, per raccogliere le indicazioni necessarie per lo sviluppo di corsi di aggiornamento professionale, in relazione alla tematica digitale e alle competenze trasfe
Workshop on Advances on Digital Cultural Heritage
In recent years, the use of digital approaches has seen rapid progress in many different areas, including cultural heritage applications. The goal of this unique workshop is to present a selection of recent advances, some of which are already used in the cultural heritage domain while others have a high potential for it. Therefore, the selected papers will take into account how these current novel digita
Each year the International Conference on the Inclusive Museum draws a diverse group of participants from all over the world. Our Program Development team draws on this diversity to craft a rich and distinctive conference experience.
The conference program groups together presentations along similar themes to facilitate knowledge sharing and community building.
2017 Call for Proposals
The International Conference on the Inclusive Museum invites proposal
What will happen to museums when digital technology shows its full potential? What features will the museum of the future have? How will it seize the opportunities offered by digital innovation? What competencies does this industry need to keep museums relevant from the twentieth century to the present? To understand what role the digital driver is playing in the modernization of the industry, we asked these questions to ten internationally renowned Europe...
PLUGGY is calling for papers for the 1st International Workshop “Plug into Cultural Heritage”
PLUGGY is organizing the Workshop “Plug into Cultural Heritage” as part of the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment – INTETAIN 2017 that will be held in June 20–22, 2017 in Funchal, Madeira, Portugal.
About the workshop:
What is cultural heritage? How can society become more actively involved in cultural heritag
The DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University, in collaboration with the Hellenic National Committee of the International Council of Museums , is organizing for the second consecutive year the International Conference entitled “DC-Me 2: Digital Challenges for Museum Experts”, on Friday 25th November 2016 at the Electra Metropolis Hotel, 15 Mitropoleos street, Athens.
The DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University, in collaboration with the Hellenic National Committee of the International Council of Museums, is organizing for the second consecutive year the International Conference entitled “DC-Me 2: Digital Challenges for Museum Experts”, on Friday 25th November 2016 in Athens. Read more information about the conference here!
Il progetto Mu.SA è rivolto al potenziamento delle competenze digitali e trasversali utili per il settore museale, così come sono state identificate nel corso della fase di analisi del progetto eCult Skills, finanziato dal programma Lifelong Learning (2013-15).
I risultati dei progetti costituiranno un vantaggio per i professionisti del settore museale, per tutti gli inoccupati del settore culturale, oltre che per le istituzioni museali. Indirettamente, il progetto contribuirà ad aumentare la qualità della vita del pubblico, consentendo ai musei di offrire esperienze culturali avanzate.