The Portuguese Committee of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) is an active organization since the 50’s. ICOM Portugal is the National Committee of the International Council of Museums (ICOM), pertaining to the Arts, Entertainment and Recreation Sector, and specifically the subsector of Museum Activities.

ICOM PT has approximately 400 members (individuals and institutions) that are mainly museum professionals or specialists, students, professors and museums that participate in the committee activities promoted regularly by this association alone or with other institutions like museums, other associations or professional organizations like the Portuguese Association of Museums, the Professional Association of Archivists and Librarians.

Five museum professionals that have a great experience working in museums compose the actual ICOM PT board. They are helped in the association work by the other committee social bodies and by volunteers that want to contribute with their expertise and knowhow. ICOM Portugal is focused to promote and disseminate new skills, tools and knowledge for the Portuguese museum professional committee and therefore this project aims are directly connected with the purposes and objectives of ICOM Portugal.
