Workshop on Advances on Digital Cultural Heritage

In recent years, the use of digital approaches has seen rapid progress in many different areas, including cultural heritage applications. The goal of this unique workshop is to present a selection of recent advances, some of which are already used in the cultural heritage domain while others have a high potential for it. Therefore, the selected papers will take into account how these current novel digital technologies, particularly on the 3D documentation in Cultural Heritage will a) raise awareness in society for the documentation and protection of tangible CH assets, b) reach professionals in the area of standardisation, c) propose new efficient methods for the use and re-use of 3D data, d) recommend new metadata and semantics’ for the holistic documentation of 3D assets; e) promote intercultural and interdisciplinary cooperation; f) offer new methods and systems for the archiving of 3D assets in CH and g) support with link data and new ontologies a more efficient multimodal documentation. 

Expected contributions include technical papers (presenting recent advances on Digital Cultural Heritage) and project papers (describing Digital Cultural Heritage major outcomes).

Selected and presented papers will be published as a chapter in a Springer-Nature book (Advances on Digital Cultural Heritage) reflecting the breakthroughs and future perspectives of Digital Cultural Heritage. The book and all the papers will be indexed in the ISI Citation Index, Scopus, EI Engineering Index, Google Scholar, DBLP, etc.

Chairs: Marinos Ioannides, Žarnić Roko and João Martins

Venue: Funchal, Madeira Island, Portugal; 28th June 2017

The workshop will be co-allocated with the 23rd ICE/IEEE ITMC Conference (